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Natural Gas Flow Meter Types

Natural Gas Flow Measurement

Businesses face daunting challenges in process control, efficiency improvement and cost management without accurate records of gas flow, especially in industries in which gas is used and processed in large-scale under varying conditions. Since accurate measurement of natural gas is critical in efficiency improvement, operational safety and even regulatory compliance, selecting a right flow meter for natural gas has turned to a strategic decision, which creates far-reaching effects on productivity, environmental compliance and cost efficiency.

Why Gas Flow Measurement is Important in Industry?

In addition to above reasons, accurate flow measurement of gas flow leaves the whole operation in check, so that potential leaks and excessive consumption could be noticed easily. Showing detailed report involving gas usage and emissions matters in many industries, where accurate measurements also aids compliance with regulatory standards referring to environmental and safety requirements.

Moreover, violent fluctuations of gas flow indicate blockages, leaks or special maintenance should be made to eliminate potential risks. And then take measures to solve those problems if necessary.

Important Parameters of Gas Flow Meters

Many factors are ought to be considered before choosing a right gas flow meter, including but not limited to:

✤Type of gas

✤Flow information

✤Environmental conditions

✤Operational environment

✤pressure & temperature

✤expected targets

✤installation & maintenance

Except for above referred points, accuracy requirements deserve your attention for varied acceptable margin of error. Minimal error tolerance is demanded in special industries like chemical reactions and pharmaceutical production.  Pressure and temperatures are limits in choosing right flow meters, too. Meters should be withstood to extreme conditions without degrading performances in high-pressure applications. It means that sustain reliability of flow meters in such conditions are crucial in long-lasting system operation.

Challenges in Gas Flow Measurement

Natural gas, as a clean energy source, is increasingly utilized, with its proportion in the energy structure rising annually. With the development of the West-East Gas Pipeline Project in China, the coverage of natural gas is expanding, making natural gas flow measurement an essential step.

Currently, natural gas flow measurement is primarily applied in trade settlements, and the measurement in China mainly relies on volumetric metering. Natural gas are supplied in two forms in general: pipe natural gas (PNG) and compressed natural gas (CNG).

Some meters are manufactured within specific requirements, like extreme low and high volume. A flow meter accommodating normal and peak flow rates guarantees constant and accurate readings. Small or large size is another factor deserving special consideration to the suitability of every component of a flow meter.

Working Principle

A natural gas flow meter works through measuring the quantity of gas sending through a pipeline. In general, a flow rate is a function of gas velocity and cross-sectional area of the pipe. The calculation runs with sophisticated algorithms, in which dynamic properties of natural gas varied with temperature, pressure and fluid composition.

Applications of Gas Flow Meters

METAL Industry

  • Moulding/ Casting
  • Fabrication
  • Gas Cutting
  • Smelting
  • Melting
  • Heat Treatment
  • Pre-heating of ingots
  • Powder Coating
  • Moulding/ Casting
  • Fabrication
  • Gas Cutting
  • Smelting
  • Welding
  • Pyro processing
  • Forging


  • Spray Drying
  • Steam Generation
  • Spray Drying

Heat Treatment Industry

  • Furnace
  • Oil Heating

OIL Mills

  • Steam Generation
  • Refining
  • Distillation


  • Steam Generation
  • Waste Heat Treatment


  • Micro Gas Turbines
  • Gas Gensets
  • Combined Cooling, Heating & Power
  • Vapour Absorption Machine (VAM)
  • Centralized Cooling


  • Steam Generation
  • Process Heating
  • Baking


  • Drying of inks Pre-printing
  • Pre Drying of inks Post-printing

Pros and Cons of Gas Flow Meter Types

Certainly, there is no single technology or meter can meet all professional requirements and conditions. Four common gas flow measurement technologies are used in industrial processing nowadays, featuring corresponding strengths and limitations. It's possible to prevent costly mistakes after understanding their advantages and disadvantages.

No.1 Electromagnetic Flow Meters

An electromagnetic flow meter works on the principle of Faraday's Law of induction. An electromagnetic coil within a mag flow meter generates a magnetic field and then electrodes are able to detects voltage. The electromagnetic field changes with such forces when the fluid passes through the pipe. In the end, such changes will be translated to flow rate.

Pros Cons
Not interfered by the temperature, pressure, density, viscosity, etc. Do not work in case liquids contains no electrical conductivity;
Applicable for liquids with impurities (particulates & bubbles) Short straight pipe is required;
No pressure loss;  
No moving parts;  

No.2 Vortex Flow Meter

A vortex flow meter performs on the principle of von Kármán effect. Vortices will be generated automatically as flow passing by a bluff body, which is equipped with a broad flat front bluff body. Flow velocity is proportional to the frequency of the vortices.

Pros Cons
Simple structure without moving parts; Be prone to be interfered by external vibrations;
Not affected by temperature, pressure, density, etc; Velocity shock of fluids reduces the measurement accuracy;
Versatile in measurement of liquids, gases and vapors; Measure clean medium only;
Cause trivial pressure loss. Not recommended to low Reynolds number fluids measurements;
  Not applicable to the pulsing flow.

No.3 Thermal Flow Meters

Heat difference between two temperature sensors can be calculated after heating up the downstream flow. Two temperature sensors are equipped on both sides of the heating element in one section of pipe; Gas will be heated up as flowing through the heating element.

Pros Cons
No moving parts; Not recommended for liquid flow measurement;
Reliable operation; Unable to withstand temperatures over 50℃;
High accuracy;
Applicable to measure flow in either direction.
Low total error band;

 No.4 Coriolis Mass Flow Meters

The vibration of the tube changes with the flow rate of the medium. Such changes in vibration are captured by sensors across the tube and then convert into flow rate.

Pros Cons
Direct mass flow measurement; No moving parts;
Not interfered by pressure, temperature and viscosity; Vibrations reduce accuracy to a certain extent; 
Not inlet and outlet sections required. Expensive 

Choosing the right gas flow meter involves balancing accuracy, durability, and cost to suit the application’s specific needs. A well-informed choice not only enhances operational efficiency but also supports regulatory compliance and safety. By understanding the various meter types and their suitability for different conditions, industries can achieve optimal performance, reduce costs, and ensure the reliability of their systems. Making the right choice ultimately leads to a stronger, more resilient operation that can meet both current demands and future challenges.

Post time: Oct-29-2024